Featured below are Legion-related sketches by various artists. If you like their work, check out their respective websites and place a commission or two!





Agnes Garbowska

Alex Garcia

Adi Fitri

Alex Horley

Allison Sohn and Jessica Hickman

Andrew Robinson and Ron Salas

Benjamin Glendenning

Bill Lonergan

Bo Robertson

Brian Stelfreeze and Chris Sprouse

Carlo Barberi

Chris Marrinan

Rafael Albuquerque, Jim Towe and Gustavo Duarte

Chris Stevens and Tom Morgan

Christopher Jones

Clayton Henry and Todd Nauck

Colin Fawcett

Crudie Torian, Art Thibert, Gabe Eltaeb and Jeff Martinez

Dan Brereton and Terry Dodson

Dan Brereton and Val by Sean Chen

Dan Brereton

Dan Schkade

Dan Smith

Danny Kuang and Tom Burgos

Danny Kuang

Daniel Olsen

David Williams

Derec Donovan

Drew Moss

Dean Juliette

Emil Cabaltierra

Emily W. Muto

Erich Owen

Eric Canete and David Yardin

Eric Gapstur/Simon Gough and Rick Burchett

Eric Koda

Fabian Lelay

Evandro Menezes

Geoff Shaw and Paolo Rivera

Francis Manapul and Edward Cherniga

Garrie Gastonny and Dave Hoover

Gene Espy, Rodel Martin and Rubismar DaCosta

Glenn Fabry and threeboot Evolvo by Drew Moss

Greg Larocque and David Finch


Pasqual Ferry, Jared Callum, Jesus Marino

Jean Sinclair

John K Snyder, Angel Gabriele, Dennis Calero and Jim Sherman

Jon Morris

Josh Howard, Otis Frampton and Howard Chaykin

Jun Bob Kim and Aldrin Aw

K Van Dam and Ricken


Kanno Pomta and Geraldo Borges

Continued on next page